Self-taught, his first work as an illustrator appeared in the first half of the eighties, in the middle of the Madrid scene, in the Madriz magazines -where he would publish continuously both in the field of illustration and comics- and La moon of Madrid. After this first period, for about a decade he put illustration aside as his main professional activity, to move on to the advertising sector, where he would be an art director in various agencies.
Back in the world of illustration, from 1999 to the present he has regularly published in the newspaper El PaÃÂs and its various supplements, being of special importance his collaborations in the cultural Babelia. Thanks to this work he has won three Award of Excellence awards from the Society for News Design. His designs have also appeared in magazines such as Europa Viva, Ronda Iberia, Lapiz, Rock de Lux, Vogue, Playboy, Gentleman, Letras Libres, Interviú, Cosmopolitan or DT.
In addition to his work for the daily press and magazines, he has made covers for books and records, as well as illustrations for more than twenty books, both aimed at children and young people as well as adults.