
Chat about Joseph Beuys

Zirkulationszeit (Circulation Time)
Zirkulationszeit (Circulation Time)
zeige deine Wunde (Show Your Wound) (Schellmann 218)
zeige deine Wunde (Show Your Wound) (Schellmann 218)
Yellow (S. 205)
Yellow (S. 205)
Woodcuts (Holzschnitte) (Schellmann 86-90)
Woodcuts (Holzschnitte) (Schellmann 86-90)
We Won't Do It Without the Rose (Schellmann 61)
We Won't Do It Without the Rose (Schellmann 61)
Vino F.I.U. (Schellmann 484)
Vino F.I.U. (Schellmann 484)
Verde di rabbia (Green with Anger) (S. 365)
Verde di rabbia (Green with Anger) (S. 365)
Triptychon (Triptych) (Schellmann 373-375)
Triptychon (Triptych) (Schellmann 373-375)
Trace II
Trace II
Trace 1 (Schellmann 109-117)
Trace 1 (Schellmann 109-117)
The Silence (Schellmann 80)
The Silence (Schellmann 80)
The Orwell Leg: Trousers for the 21st Century
The Orwell Leg: Trousers for the 21st Century